My father, brother and sister were alcoholics. I grew up never knowing what I would arrive home to. Eventually All of them went through treatment and made great contributions to society but it was hard for me.

At an early age, I made rules for myself about drinking. I never drank during the day, never more than two and only on weekends unless on vacation. I have always been very cognizant of my alcohol consumption and am very happy about it. I decide if I want a drink or I don’t. Everyone else can be drinking and I have no problem not drinking.

I think you have made a very wise decision!!!!! Not an easy one I’m sure but I know it’s the right decision for you!! Proud of you and thank you for talking about this and maybe start other people thinking.

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I've thought about quitting many, many times. The funny thing is I rarely drink at home anymore. It's only if we're out or at friend's houses. And many of those times, I over do it. I absolutely hate the hangxiety and shitty sleep and I still keep doing it. Sometimes it feels like it takes a week or more to fully recover from a hard night out and it totally ruins any kind of progress or structure I have around eating well and exercising. I do know that I am actively taking steps to drink less and that's better than no steps. Thanks for sharing this with us! You're going to help more people than you know with this post.

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Good for you!!! Iowa City DOES have a DryBar. It’s called UnImpaired Dry Bar Downtown. I’ve not been but been told it has a jukebox, pool & arcade games. And of course Mocktails.

I don’t drink much of those - too sugary for me. Yes I do drink wine occasionally. But I do really like the Athletic brand NA beer. Especially the lager There are many flavors apparently

Good for you! Keep being you!!

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Three months is incredible! I am so proud of you. It is so hard to quit. It took me years of being sober curious as well before I was able to quit. My rock bottom was promising myself I wouldn’t drink on Mother’s Day 2019 and I woke up the next morning and don’t remember Mother’s Day at all. I tell anyone who will listen that the sober life is the best life I never knew I could have. Yoga and meditation play a big role in my journey as well. Sending all the love and light your way❤️.

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This post made me smile and brought me joy! I had to stop drinking when I was diagnosed with ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia= very low blood platelets) I honestly never really missed it at all! I would have a glass of wine with dinner occasionally, and accidentally over did it one Christmas Eve and spent the night sleeping on the floor of the bathroom up chucking all night long!!!! That was so not worth it! Haven’t really drank much since then! I am an early riser and don’t like waking up with a headache! I just hope and pray that people who need to see this very concise, informative post on sobriety will see this! If there is alcoholism in your family, you are at a much higher risk than most people to slide down that dangerous road. Please share this post!

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